Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Science experiments and projects

Do you remember seeing or doing any Science experiments that really caught your attention?


  1. Bottle rocket
  2. Mentos™ and cola
  3. Giant bubbles
  4. Pond or stream study
  5. Birdwatching - set up a feeder, look for nests (without disturbing them), listen for and/or record bird calls
  1. Make a colloid with corn starch and water (add a bit of food colouring if you wish)
  2. Pickle an egg to the point where it bounces like a rubber ball
  3. Vinegar and baking soda volcano (a small one in the sink, perhaps?)
  4. Experiment with buoyancy - things that float and things that sink.  Can you make a boat that will float using Plasticine™?
  5. Experiment with combining colours using felt pens or watercolours. (You can do this on white paper or in your journal.)
  6. What happens when you colour a circle on the bottom of a coffee filter using a black felt marker, then drop a few drops of water on it?
  7. Can you build a device that will launch a table tennis ball across the room?
  8. Create a dominoes maze so that tipping the first one over will knock all the others down in sequence?
Project ideas: (using materials from the recycling bin and around the house)
  1. Build a maze for a marble to roll through.
  2. Build a Rube Goldberg machine
  3. Use what you know about the six "simple machines" to build a device that can do something
  4. Sprout seeds that will grow into food you can eat!  
  5. Start a vermicompost bin - a worm farm for composting food scraps! (Not for everyone, I know.)  You can buy a bag of worms where people buy bait for fishing.

The Internet is full of many more suggestions for home Science experiments and projects!

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