Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Educational Websites for Kids - part 1

There are millions of websites that claim to be educational for children.  I have tested thousands over many years of teaching; here are my top picks:

Starfall for children who are learning to read, with activities from learning the sounds each letter makes, right through to reading paragraphs.  The presentation is bright, fun, and engaging with animation and songs. 
Grade range: Kindergarten - Grade 2

Reading A-Z / RAZ Kids offers a LARGE collection of children's picture books, levelled from absolute beginner to about end of Grade 6. Includes many fiction and nonfiction books.  Parents must register to set up an account for their child(ren).  Compare the subscription price to the cost of buying ten children's books.
Grade range: Kindergarten - Grade 6
English and Spanish
Free trial
Family Subscription $115.45 US / year

Collections for Middle-School students:

Khan Academy is the number one go-to for straight-forward, no-nonsense short videos that explain how to do specific Math operations, right from beginning Math skills to advanced calculus.  If a student really wants to know how to do and understand something in Math, this is the place to go.
Khan Academy covers a wide range of other school subjects too!
Grade range: K - University

SplashLearn (formerly SplashMath)is organized by grade and math topic.  Play alternates between a set number of math questions presented in a variety of formats, followed by some play activities.  Engaging and motivating.
Grade range: K - Grade 5
FREE (parent must register child to create an account)

PBS Kids

★ Parent tip: many websites that claim to be educational fall short of their claim.  I suggest that you monitor activities to determine whether they meet the needs of your child.

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