Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Remember the Best Moments of Your Childhood - part 2

Think back to things you really enjoyed when you were the age your child is now.  Are you ready to introduce you child to:

Just for fun:

  1. Silly songs you remember
  2. Silly poems you used to recite
  3. Games you used to play that your child might not know
  4. Stories of things you did when you were a child
  5. Cat's cradle
  6. Skipping rhymes
  7. Clapping games and rhymes
  8. blow up balloons, play volleyball, rub them in your hair, stick them to the wall
What family games could you play with materials you have on hand?
  1. Ping-pong ball bounce into target cup
  2. Card games suitable for your child's age:
  3. Board games
  4. Cribbage (if you have a cribbage board)
Do you have jigsaw puzzles?  Even if they are too hard for your kids on their own, they may become interested in helping you find the pieces to build the picture.

Did you make crafts as a child?  Start with something you remember how to make, then move on to Pinterest to find millions more!

  1. Paper hat
  2. paper boat
  3. paper airplanes
  4. popper
  5. water bomb - Save trying them until you go outside on a warm day, or play volleyball inside with them

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