Wednesday, March 18, 2020

20 activities that can be developed into larger, long-term learning

Here are 20 ideas for home learning. Note that they can all be used as starting points for larger, ongoing projects!

1.              Read: a book, comic, newspaper, magazine, cereal box, instructions for a game, etc.
2.              Read out loud to an audience: a parent, a child, a stuffed animal, etc.
3.              Practice spelling: words that you know give you trouble, or learn some new ones!
4.              Practice math: quick addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.  Use a calculator to check; say the question out loud as you put the numbers into the calculator, say your answer out loud, then press the = key to see if you are right.
5.              Write: a story, poem, list, play, words for a song, etc.
6.              Measure things:  with a ruler, a scale, to see how much something can hold, etc.
7.              Learn about places in the world.  Use an atlas, globe or map to find new places; look in an encyclopedia to learn more.  Use Google Earth to explore our world!
8.              Learn more about people in the world.  Use the Guinness Book of World Records or an Almanac. Use Google Earth to explore people, places and cultures around the world!
9.              Practice a musical instrument.  Teach yourself to play a new song.
10.           Learn to sing a song or recite a poem from memory.
11.           Solve a puzzle: word search, crossword, brain-teaser, etc.
12.           Learn to play a new game.  Teach a friend or someone in your family.
13.           Draw or paint a picture
14.           Design a new invention, a piece of furniture, a machine, etc. 
15.           Plan a treasure hunt for a friend, brother or sister.
16.           Write a letter to someone you miss.
17.           Write a letter to yourself to read when you are older.
18.           Design a game that you think would be fun for kids your age to play.  Write out the rules so they are easy to understand.
19.           Exercise your body, outdoors or indoors.  Work on developing strength, endurance and control.
20.           Write a play, TV interview or radio show that other people would enjoy.  Practice it and perform it for an audience when it’s good.

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